SMO & social networks

Pippakelly | Pippa Kelly Dementia Campaigner Blogger Podcaster Author
One of the foremost writers of the day on the elderly, social care and health,…

Mediamixer | Mediamixer New Media Central London Photography, Video Production, Web development and Print Design
MEDIAMIXER an independent production company based in North West London. Its aim is to bring…

Theturningtidesproject | The Turning Tides Project Home
We believe that everyone has the right of equal access to the arts and life….

Weareyoung | YouNG Helping young people get employability skills
Helping find quality work experience for young people in Nottingham

Mrs | Market Research Society (MRS) Where Data Insight & Evidence Matters
The Market Research Society (MRS) is the world’s leading research association where data, insight and…

Sheffieldpodcasts | Sheffield Podcasts
A directory of podcasts made in Sheffield with links to subscribe & their own social…

Socialpets | Social Pets
Social Pets is THE place for pets and their owners to meet up with and find new…

Shirleyayresconsulting | Be Inspired! Shirley Ayres Consulting
Promoting excellence in social work.

Digbethsocentquarter | DSEQ The heart of social enterprise in Birmingham
Keywords Council Leeds Local Authority Yorkshire Lcc

Flourishtogether | Social Innovation Programmes & Investment UK Flourish
Supporting the economic empowerment of women in society to enhance communities is Flourish’s main aim.